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How to Keep Bugs Outside

It’s that wonderful time of year when you can’t wait to get outside, and insects can’t wait to get in!

Once they’re done resting up for the winter, they emerge from their hiding places and pick up where they left off. Not to mention the new ones who waited until spring to make their debut.

While insects play vital roles in the circle of life, they can still be plenty annoying, especially those that make their way indoors.

Here are some tips to help keep them away:


Be careful where you store wood. The natural habitat of bugs is outdoors, but they do like to travel. That’s why it’s best to store your wood pile at least twenty feet away from the house. Also, pick up grass clippings and chopped branches from your pruning efforts…two other natural gathering and breeding grounds. Also, fill gaps in your foundation to create one more barrier against “illegal entry”.

Repair door and window screens. Check all screens for even the smallest of tears…some bugs don’t need much room to come calling.

Check door seals. If light can penetrate through it, so can insects. Thresholds should be tight-fitting and door sweeps should be set at the right heights. Use caulk to fill in any gaps caused by settling.

No more standing water. Any source of moisture will attract bugs – especially mosquitoes. Be sure to empty anything that holds water, including plant trays, catch basins, play sets, and fire pits. If you have a bird bath, clean and refill it regularly.

Keep your trash bins clean. If insects can enter a trash bin, and the bins are kept inside your garage or otherwise close to your house, it’s like extending them an open invitation to your living spaces. Regular cleaning is essential or find a new place for trash bin storage.

While scouring your property for insect nests, take a moment to check for unusually damp areas of your lawn, especially when the rest of it is dry. That kind of wet patch can indicate a cracked or leaking sewer main, something that requires immediate attention before the problem gets worse. Contact Connor Plumbing to solve that problem along with any other home plumbing need you might have.

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