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How to Remove Mold from Inside Your Dishwasher

Mold. It’s a dirty “four-letter word” that stops people in their tracks and sends them into a panic, especially when they discover the real thing inside their homes. Rightfully so, too, since mold is more than unsightly; it’s downright unhealthy.

One of the more common places for mold to develop in inside your dishwasher. That’s because it’s the kind of warm, dark, and damp environment that mold thrives on. Add in leftover food particles and soap residue, and that further stimulates mold growth.

Luckily, and with a little elbow grease and some basic supplies, you can remove even the most stubborn mold deposits and prevent future occurrences. Here’s how:

  • Start with an empty dishwasher and remove all racks and silver-wear trays or baskets. Wash the racks and trays by hand with warm soapy water and set them aside to dry.
  • Mix 2 cups of hot water with ½ cup of distilled white vinegar in a bowl or empty spray bottle, and apply to the moldy areas as well plus any seals and crevices where mold could be lurking. Thoroughly scrub the inside of your dishwasher with an old toothbrush or sponge, paying special attention to the underside of the spinning arms, and then rinse with warm water.
  • Place the racks and utensil trays back inside the dishwasher. Pour two cups of vinegar into a small dishwasher-safe bowl and place it upright on the top rack. Run a full wash cycle on the highest heat setting available.
  • Finally, sprinkle a cup of baking soda on the dishwasher floor and run a full wash cycle on the highest heat setting a second time. While the vinegar works to kill the mold, the baking soda tackles any mold spores the vinegar may have missed while deodorizing.

Once the job is completed, you can step back and enjoy your sparkling, mold and mildew free dishwasher. To help keep mold from coming back, wipe down any wet areas after emptying your dishwasher if you don’t think you’ll be running it again for another few days or so.

At Connor Plumbing, we can help in you prevent mold growth by repairing plumbing leaks as soon as you notice them. The longer you wait, the more likely mold and mildew are to appear. For more information or for plumbing leak repair, contact Connor Plumbing today:  The Choice of Generations.

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